Greenback, Oregon History
by Larry McLane
The Greenback Mine was established by Len Browning (son of Placer founder, L.M. Browning) and Edward Hannum in 1897. Browning and Hannum sold to the Victor for Mining Company of Denver, Colorado. Controlling interest was purchased by New York banker William Brevoot in 1902. With Brevoot's monetary backing, the town of Greenback was formed. The post office was granted in 1906 with Newell Inman as postmaster. The town of Greenback became world famous and fully developed into a self-supporting enterprise with store, boarding houses, houses for families, and a large meeting hall for visiting dignitaries. |
Carey Thompson, superintendent, ran the town and allowed no saloons; those requiring the "Nectar of the Gods" went to Placer to indulge.
In April of 1905 Greenback had its own stage line, running from the Wolf Creek Hotel to the mine, via Coyote Creek and Golden. The town also had its own freight wagons.
As Greenback shut down in the fall of 1906, the Grants Pass newspapers said it affected the economy of the whole county.
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