
100 College and University Sites
For those of you who are still indecisive about what college to attend, this site will surely help you out. This site has 100 colleges and universities from all regions within the US. Many of these web sites contain information on the school's academics, admission requirements, faculty, financial assistance, degrees, majors, student organizations, sports, and just about any other information you want. If you can't visit a college campus this summer, then visit this web site. It's the next best thing to being there.

A Personality Survey
Surf this way to get insights for improving relationships, information about personality types, or read articles relating to personalities and people. Visit here soon!

Astronomy: From the Earth to the Universe
This is a monthly e-zine about astronomy edited by Dr. Jay Pasachoff at Williams College. This magazine includes features about space science and current astronomy.

Beyond...The Black Stump
Herein is a site containing many treasures, including over 4000 references to such topics as Oriental & Asian resources, Netscape fun things, puzzles, sports, television, software, women's resources, and medical and health information. Excellent!

Center for Particle Astrophysics
What is the particle composition of Cyberspace? This web page offers numerous links to astrophysics resources, as well as in-house information, including theories and discoveries.


Center for Scientific Creation
Herein is a finely displayed, large collection of objects that were brought into existence by people using science. The entire 240 full color, 1995 edition of "In the Beginning" is also available. Get the facts today!

Department of Geography at California State University Northridge
The California Geographical Survey is a digital archive of geographical data, maps, and other information dealing with California and the United States.

The University of Colorado Health Sciences Center

Discovery - Worth the Time!
Take a journey with Discovery. For the month of November, Discovery will offer an interactive net trek to the Galapagos. Sounds like fun.

Dr. Tavel's Self-Help Legal Clinic and Sovereign Library
Go here for your legal needs. This site is jam packed with information pertaining to laws, future laws, P's and A's and more. Go now!

Earth Portals
Herein is a site that features transformational ideas and products concerning the direction of humankind into the 21st century. This page has four major sections, including Mind Portals, the Millennium Portal, Portal Messenger, and Portal Ether Ship. Go here and take a cosmic journey today!

Family Education Network
Here is a new online service dedicated to providing solutions for today's parents. It bundles both online and traditional print media to provide a wide range of information and activities that help parents prepare their children for a competitive future. Surfers can use search engines, get expert advice, participate in treasure hunts and more. Have fun!
Are you having a tough time finding a good movie to rent? combines video and laser disc sales with an impressive movie database that includes intelligently written reviews and cast information. Film lovers will be delighted by the site's bulletin boards, links to homepages for recent releases, and industry inside information.

International Center
Do you need information on studying abroad? If yes, visit this site to get answers to common questions about visas, jobs and host countries. My bags are packed.

Go here to find a large collection of law related databases on the Internet. Included are such categories as government, legal firms, law school libraries and more.

Lectric Law Library
Lectric Law gives access to a legal encyclopedia and dictionary, legal software, case information, jokes, court rules, and more. There are also transcripts to major cases in the U.S. available.

Mount St. Helen's
An amazing look at the story of Mount St. Helen's. You will be able to discover what happened before, during and after the awesome eruption of May 18, 1980. This site is part of the comprehensive VolcanoWorld.

Munich Found
Herein is Bavaria's leading monthly magazine dedicated to providing world surfers with information about culture, art , commentary, and politics. Pack your virtual suitcase and surf this way today!

Navajo Community College - Dini College
Check out this site for information about the community college and great links to news about the Navajo Nation. You can find information here about the Arizona and New Mexico campuses and class registration information.

Neighborhood Networks
This site's mission is to enhance the self-sufficiency, employability and economic self-reliance of those who are temporarily receiving federal aid. This site has important information, links and more for all who want to enjoy life to the fullest!!

Netherlands Scientists Looking for Energy
Get the facts about nuclear energy, renewable energy, and life after fossil fuels are gone.

New Jersey Law Network
This site has a well organized collection of information and links on New Jersey law, as well as general legal resources. This is a very user friendly site that allows access to the law quickly.

Perseus Project
Go here today to get information on ancient Greece. This site has over 400 articles by major authors, catalog entires for 2,800 artifacts, morphological databases, and photographs of over 13,000 items, including vases, coins, sculptures and more!

Robot 1 - Systems Scan
The dedicated science people at Iowa State University have traveled far into the realm of cybernetics. Here, information is offered on projects in the works, publications, members and links to other Cyborg facilities. The Terminator is real!

Science News - Search
Herein lies the monthly publication SEARCH, the official scientific journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science. This publication includes articles on the environment, health/medicine, information technology, agriculture and other issues of public interest.

Science Web
This is a must page for anyone who wants to know more about science and its roll in shaping our world's societies. You can get the most up to date Shuttle, Ozone, and Radarsat news plus a whole lot more.

Self-Help and Psychology Magazine
Go here to read the many columns about such topics as alcohol, tobacco, and mental health. This site is by far one of the best sites on the web for mental health information. Excellent job!

Stanford Testing Systems
STS has launched one of the only SAT test-prep courses on the Internet; the course is available at no charge. Two levels of Internet-based SAT preparation are available without charge.

The Internet Braille Wizard
Within this site are the resources to understand what exactly Braille is. Surfers can enter text and see its Braille translation.Included are links, articles and more. Excellent job!

Wonderful World of Insects
Take a closer look at the most successful life form on the planet. Over 1,000,000 species provide lots of material for this site.

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This page is updated and maintained by
Hasting Computer Consulting
Mark Hasting
Copyright © 1996 - 2006
Last Updated on February 23, 2006